The latest update to Equappment is here and it includes a much demanded feature plus a few other important updates. Let's take a look ...

If anyone has ever had trouble managing all their utility locate tickets for projects, raise your hand!

From our conversations with contractors, we learned what a major pain managing all those locate tickets can be . . .
Are they submitted?
Are they approved? Where is the approval email?
When is this part of the job supposed to start?
How long before it expires?
Was it resubmitted?
Now in Equappment, for every locate ticket, on every project, you have all the information you need to stay on top of the tickets and keep your jobs on track.
All the copies of tickets and approvals can be stored with the ticket entry in Equappment. You can even save a hyperlink to the online form from your local Call 811 website.
Plus, you can document all the paint marks for the ticket by taking and storing job site photos with the ticket in the app.
Find out more about Locate Ticket Management here.
As we've added more features, we realized there needed to be better organization to the Job Photos and Job Documents.
Now any photos that are added through one of the other sections in EQ will automatically be added to the appropriate folder in the Job. No more searching through countless photos and docs to find the right one ...

Bore log entry photos
Task time log entry photos
Locate ticket photos
Locate ticket documents
Plus, you have the option to add a caption or name to the document or photo to make it a breeze to find what you need.
As always, the photos that are taken with a mobile device and saved into Equappment have the time and date stamp.
We never intended EQ to be a rolodex (just dated myself) of all your important Clients and Contacts, but you asked for it ...
Store as many "Clients" as you want in the app.
A Client could actually be an inspector or engineer. Anyone you want to associate with a project and have their contact info easy to find.
Save multiple Contacts to a single Client.
Associate one or multiple Clients and Contacts to individual jobs.
Add a new Client and Contact on the fly while adding a bid or job into EQ.
We wanted to make sure all our new features got some love, and make sure you are aware of them, so here you go ...
For those of you doing lots of service shots, Crewmembers can now be assigned to more than one job on the same day
Indicate on the Daily Production Check-In Report if a crewmember was absent
Indicator to quickly identify who has not digitally signed the Daily Production Check-In
Added an optional "end-date" for a Job Bore. If no date is entered, the bore log completion date is used as the end date
Icon added to Task Time Log entries to indicate which have job photos attached
If you're curious about what was added and improved in Equappment prior to this release, check out our other blog posts here and filter on "New Features & Updates".
We're always happy to personally take you through any of the features of Equappment - new or old. The more you know about the app's capabilities, the better your production and your profit. Schedule a time with us using this demo sign-up form.